All around the world there are thousands of women that every year decide to make a Solo travel. It’s true that there are some destinations safer than others for this type of travellers. As the number of solo travel females is increasing, many countries and companies do take this into account. Now they create services and products especially for them.
When asking those solo travel females about their biggest concerns or fears, those are theft and harassment. For this reason, Iceland is a perfect place for them to visit as it has very low crime rate, one of the lowest in the world. On this post I will give tips for solo women travellers and recommendations on what to do while in Iceland.
Be prepared
Iceland is one of the safest countries in the world, but it’s also one of the most inhabited so planning ahead is a must. Always wear some cash, mobile phone charged, map and guide book. There is a huge amount of the Icelandic population that speaks English. However, it’s always good to bring a list of the most helpful phrases in Icelandic. Also, prepare copies of every important document as passport, credit cards, national ID, medical insurance, etc. You can bring them with you on a different place where the originals are. Another option is to also send a copy to your email.
Think safe, be safe
Walk always with your head up and paying attention to details. Act confident like you know exactly where you are going. If you see or hear something you don’t like, always trust your instinct. Look for help, preferably from families or other women. If you need to withdraw money, always do it at day time and preferably on a busy street or shopping centre, ideally use the ATM from inside a bank.
Take public transport
As you might already know, public transport is not really developed in Iceland, mainly because of the inhabitancy rate we talked before. Therefore, renting your own transport is the best options. You can chose between renting a car and book accommodations or rent a camper or motorhome, and bring the home with you! In both cases, you might need to catch the bus from the capital to the airport or the other way round.
If you need to wait for the bus at night time, it’s always a good option to ask your accommodation if you can stay there at the dining room for example, until you need to leave. That way, you don’t have to be waiting on your own at the bus station. Cafeterias are also a nice and safe place where to wait and if they have WiFi. The waiting can be productive as well!
Lie unhesitatingly
If needed, in case you feel you need to do so, lie about your trip: say you are traveling with someone else, you are married or just waiting for some friends. No one needs to know you are on a solo travel. If planning to meet someone always let a third person know where you will be and when you will return. In case you are not sure who to tell what your plans are, use this amazing website called where you can let them know where are you going and if something happen, they will know where to find you.
Solo Travel Tips for Females – Traveling Alone in Iceland
Get out of your comfort zone
You will not find crowded cities in Iceland as in the rest of Europe, where you can jump in a touristic bus or move around on the underground always surrounded by thousands of people. Here you will find a different type of tourism. A nature tourism where the monuments to visit are waterfalls, volcanoes, glaciers and black sand beaches.
Getting an organised excursion to go to some of those places is a great opportunity to meet people, as you will spend a whole day with the same group and you will start at the same point, so your accommodations will be close. Another easy-going way to meet people is at the accommodation. It’s true, you will have to make some effort, but there is always someone willing to have a chat or have dinner together. Doesn’t matter if you in a hostel or a campground, all of them usually have a space to gather together. A new great accommodation alternative is couchsurfing. That way, you will meet local people and will have accommodation for free! Still need another way to socialize? Join the CityWalk free walking tour in Reykjavik.
To sum up, the best tip for solo travel by females in Iceland –or in any other place- is to have confidence, use common sense, make good decisions. Meet loads of people and enjoy the trip!! Oh, bring a diary with you so you don’t forget anything when telling your friend how amazing your trip was!